

Hiring Right: The First Step to a Successful Food and Beverage Business

Are you a startup in the hospitality industry, a niche hotel or a restaurant in its incubatory stage hoping to make it big? Have you passed the initial planning stages and are now ready to hire? This itself is a positive sign that your venture is ready to take off. You must have also realized that its challenging to hire on your own.

In my experience only about 30% of the time self hiring goes right, you get the right candidate for the right role at the right time for the right price. But what about the rest 70% of the time? Remember you not only hire these individuals but also need to have them onboard for the next couple of years so making a hiring mistake can prove costly for your startup. Hiring right is the first step to a successful food and beverage business.

You have key roles to fill and need experienced and knowledgeable self starters that can take your business forward and make a big impact and if you approach the hiring process in a logical and systematic way it will drastically improve your chances of getting the right candidates onboard.

So how do you know that a candidate has the potential to be great at your company? Here are a few tips to help you out.

Look for your candidates in the right place

There is no point in advertising on large job portals, paying a decent amount of cost for the same and receiving hundreds of irrelevant CVs. Instead try and get your hiring done from niche sources. We at Vira International for example specialize only in the recruitment for the hospitality industry. We also go a step forward to help startup restaurants design their kitchen, their menu, find them consultants and share our expertise. We ensure that each candidate CV we send through has the requisite skills to best suit your business.

Test the Skills of your kitchen team before hiring

Your kitchen team is the lifeline of your restaurant, catering or hotel business. It is therefore important that you select your kitchen team based on the different skills they possess. We at Vira International have a state of the art training institute comprising a fully functional Skills Test cum Training Kitchen to facilitate the provision of hands-on training and skills test for new recruits. Trainings can be customized as per your individual business & operational requirements.

Make a Quick Decision

Good candidates do not wait around for long. We have seen many a company lose great candidates to their competition despite a better offer simply because they sent the offer letters too late. Being responsive is the best thing to do. Once you narrow down your picks do not delay issuing the offer letters and post interview processes.

Interested in knowing more about Vira International and our services. Write to us on or visit our website

Alijan Rajan

CEO, Vira International


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